Birgith Egstrup



The Tapestry




Birgith Egstrup.

af | apr 6, 2020 | The Embroiderers

I was born in Sæby in 1944

I was retired as a teacher with History and handicraft as main lectures. In November 1999 some women met to lunch at Kamma Jensen’s place. We were all members of Vikingegruppen LINDHOLM HØJE, and at that time, I brought the idea of embroidering a copy of the Bayeux tapestry foreword. We became a group in the Vikingegruppen LINDHOLM HØJE.

I have felt great joy in embroidering the tapestry and in telling the story and in showing off our work.

It has been exciting to meet contacts around the world, as we found trough the tapestry.

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